The Healing Temple of Clan Tiala: A Storyline of Its Own.
The story of the Nueguans can essentially be boiled down to the events around the Healing Temple: the One-Hour-War (2111); the creation of the Temple and the formation of the Guilds(2200?); the recreation of the Temple as Rintiala's First Sister trial(2528); the destruction of the Temple by the Warrior Guild(2528). When the King's Guard are allowed into Apacheria to survey the site in 2578, all that is left is an abandoned, silted-up ruin. [This last point will be important for the third book in the series "I Will Tread The Earth Once More"].
So...let's go chapter-by-chapter to see how the world of Nuegua will unfold for the reader.
The story of the Nueguans can essentially be boiled down to the events around the Healing Temple: the One-Hour-War (2111); the creation of the Temple and the formation of the Guilds(2200?); the recreation of the Temple as Rintiala's First Sister trial(2528); the destruction of the Temple by the Warrior Guild(2528). When the King's Guard are allowed into Apacheria to survey the site in 2578, all that is left is an abandoned, silted-up ruin. [This last point will be important for the third book in the series "I Will Tread The Earth Once More"].
So...let's go chapter-by-chapter to see how the world of Nuegua will unfold for the reader.
- Mothering Day: we meet all the Clans, and through the perspectives of Rintiala, Dianire and Berylia the reader is introduced to the extent of the geography of Nuegua, its people and its politics. The reader is only shown a small part of the potential of the Healing Temple, for she will only experience Mothering Day the way a Nueguan girl would, no more and no less. We get a hint of the power of Oldest Sister in this chapter as it is she who passes the final verdict on Berylia.
- First Sister: here the focus is only the Healing Guild in its full power. This is the chapter where we meet the Pregnant Virgin, the organic AI at the heart of the Healing Guild. It is imperative that the appearance of the Water Woman be within the control of the Pregnant Virgin; it is she who decides Rintiala's fate, not the Water Woman. In this chapter we see all the Guilds bowing to Rintiala's vision of a new Healing Temple, as both Builders and Gardeners are also needed to create architecture of this scale. Here also is the nearly instantaneous creation of Dragon Head, the new administrative center of Nuegua, as part of the agreement for helping to expand the Healing Temple.
- Furniture of Paradise: here the focus is on Rintiala's new understanding of the technology of the Healing Guild, and how she can override the Pregnant Virgin to allow the technology of the Builders Guild to infiltrate the Healing Temple. New to this chapter will be the specialized Cactus Mothers (created secretly by Berylia) that sound the alert of Rintiala's and Dianire's 'hacking' of the Healing Temple. This has to be down as a shift of perspective to Berylia, so that Alathea the leader of the Healers does not know; this will need to be quite sophisticated. This approach allows a resolution of the first conflict between Dianire and Berylia that the reader experiences in 'Mothering Day'.