Sunday, July 03, 2011

The Galiuro Wilderness

The Galiuro chapter is the last one before the climactic battle scene at the Healer's Temple in Tiala, Nuegua.  In this chapter, only Dianire and Alope are left of the Warrior's Guild; the combined numerical superiority of the King's Guard and the Apache Police has wittled the Nueguans down. 

The Galiuro is a real wilderness area in Arizona, and the Nueguans deposit their failed projects there. Mostly it is filled with wild Cactus Mothers. I've used the concept of the 'nuke hive' that we beekeepers use: a wild Mother and her termite colony. After 300 years of discards the Galiuro is too dangerous to be traversed. Only Dianire crosses it, because she is forced to. What she sees are generations of wild Mothers, most of which are in the last stages of decay and death.

What Dianire needs to do is to find a functioning Cactus Mother that will recognize her body chemistry, so that she can create safe passage back to Nuegua for her and Alope.   This is not so easy, because most the CMs are dead or dying, and many of not of her Guild.   What she also discovers is that all the living ones have networked themselves together, something that never happened in Nuegua, where the three Guilds jealously guard their Cactus Mother secrets.

She would failed in her search had not Yassah, the renegade Grasper, found them first.  It turns out the the Graspers can travel freely across the Galiuro, and he and his mate take Dianire and Alope back to Nuegua. 

Here are the present collection of Wild Cactus Mother animations: