Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nueguan Storyline: Chronology Versus Narrative

When writing a complex story, it is critical to separate out the chronology from the narrative.  In this case, the problem is where to put the chapter 'Desert Frigate'. Should it be chronological, or used to further character development?

Carlos Sepulveda is heir to the throne of New Spain, but he is no older than twenty-one at the time of the events of 'Desert Frigate'.  Since he is thirty-two when we meet him in 'Business in New Alcazar', which occurs in 2528, this sets the former in 2517.  This becomes problematic, as it would have to be inserted between 'The Meeting In The Green Lake Room' and 'Mothering Day'.  That would mean a digression, because the current introductory structure is: 'No Mercy In The Cathedral'; 'The Meeting At The Green Lake Room'; 'Mothering Day'.

The better approach would be to locate it after 'The Laughing Sickness', and to use it as a vehicle by which Rintiala and Don Benedetto get to know one another better.  It adds depth to Carlos' character just at the point where the reader is convinced he is the villain of the piece, and makes his reaction to the assassination of Ariana all the more believable.


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