Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Treasure of the Ramada Los Alamos

A rough sketch for sure, but I need to notate why this video is important to the story. The Ramada Los Alamos is the largest storehouse/armory of valuables in the Empty Earth 2528. It is a intricate as a Swiss watch, and loaded with booby traps. All Nueguan Sisters have been trained in how to enter and disarm it, but none of them knew this; it was simply one of the many visual puzzles they solved every time they entered the Grotto of the Pregnant Virgin. Ariana doesn't realize what it is until the middle of the chapter for two reasons: the Ramada is covered with a translucent shroud and she has only learned to solve the puzzle from an eagle's-eye-view.

Ramada Los Alamos Rough Sketch

 The chapter "The Treasure of the Ramada Los Alamos" is the great turning point in the first part of the Nueguan storyline.  In it, Ariana regains her role as a Sister, and becomes the Queen-Apparent of New Spain.  King Carlos has wickedly convinced Ariana to try to open the Ramada Los Alamos, the greatest treasure house and armory of the Empty Earth 2528 A.D.  Given an elite team of the best and brightest of the King's Guard, they cut open the Shroud that covers the entire complex, releasing unknown and certainly fatal synthetic diseases that the Sky Wanderers use to protect their property.  Most of the Guard die of the Laughing Sickness as they run wildly around the complex, unaware that the Carbo Crete is shifting, changing shape to deal with them the closer they get to the treasures of gold, silver, platinum and rare earths, one for each class of treasure.

And now, to the development of the Ramada as a series of videos:

And here is the final design; only minor modifications needed:

And a 'howto'

And the key:

The last link in the 'Treasure of the Ramada Los Alamos' chapter. This is the Sky Wanderer Token, retrieved by a Spanish pilgrim more than one hundred years before Ariana's adventure, so it is safe. King Carlos tells her there is a legend that this Token is all that is needed to unlock the Treasure, but his father forbade under pain of death anyone to attempt to open the Ramada again. It is covered in a Shroud that can be cut with 21st century tools, but the one time that was attempted, a Sky Wanderer disease was let loose upon the populace of New Spain, and thousands died. Mothers delivered stillborn children for a year after that disaster. The secret is in the bad punctuation.


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